My journey with Software development

Delice Lydia
3 min readMar 23, 2021

I would describe my journey with software development as traveling in another country where you get new experiences, discover and learn new things, meet new people but as well facing challenges as a foreigner.

My journey started in August 2018 when I heard about a new tech company called Andela that came to our country to help people who are interested to learn to code, at that moment I was working in the hospitality industry you can imagine out of the blue getting out of hospitality where your duty was to help guests feels welcomed and start coding… interesting right? but for me, it was a dream come true.

Andela introduced us to an online school called Openclassroom where my adventure started, you can imagine the feeling when you design your first simple webpage you feel like you are the only developer exist on the earth it is breathtaking…, but because I was learning but at the same time working I was always exhausted after a long day to be able to learn coding was quite impossible so in May 2019 I decided to quit my job and dive deep in the world of software development.

After quitting my job I continued to study and attending Andela Bootcamp where I increased my skills in Javascript, HTML, CSS, TDD, GIT, Github, etc. but trust me I started to realize that it wasn’t easy as I was expecting it to be. I failed more than three times the fourth time I failed I remember that moment like it was yesterday, I was depressed and I started to think that I may be being on the wrong path, some people were telling me to leave coding because is for boys that I should try something else… but thanks to those people who always stood by my side telling me not to give up, that they believe in me, that they see strength in me.

I am writing this article while am attending an online coding school called microverse. This was the decision I took when the Covid pandemic strikes, so far the experience is amazing I grew so much technically even professionally. I met brilliants people from around the world, we spend almost the whole day coding and we learn from each other and now MICROVERSE believed in me and hired me as a Technical Support Engineer you can imagine the feelings I have right now me too I am now able to help others to grow.

You can ask yourself why I did not give up?

  • I was sure that being a software developer was what I wanted to do with my life.
  • I replaced the word failing with learning, and here i am with a story to tell.

If you are reading this and you want to be a software developer or you are trying something new, it might not be a good walk in the beautiful garden, there will be ups and downs but don’t give up always think about why you started and practice, practice, practice!! because “Practice makes perfect”.

